Strength: 12 Dexterity: 13 Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 16 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 7 |
CW for child abuse.
Lorenz is the son of Count Gloucester, born and raised in a large estate in the heart of Gloucester territory. While surrounded by attending staff, he was isolated from his peers, and he clung heavily to his mother— and later, his steed, Lorenz Jr. Under the watchful eye of his father, the slightest step out of line was severely punished, and between the searing black of dark magic and several nights spent locked in the stables, he learned his place quickly; the stage was set for Lorenz to be molded into greatness.
At the age of 8, his father began grooming him to lead the Alliance, and spent the next seven years doing so. Instilled with rigid values and beliefs, but still pliable enough to be manipulated, he was sent off to a sorcery school in Faerghus at 17. For the first time in his life, he was truly challenged— he no longer had his father to turn to, only himself, and his first taste of freedom was not liberating, but terrifying.
He struggled to reconcile the realities before him with what his father had drilled into him, and what he perceived to be a noble temperament left him as isolated as he had been since childhood, trapping him in a cage of his own making. Upon receiving news by letter that his mother, previously healthy, had suddenly died of an unknown illness, he retreated even further into himself for the remainder of the year, until finally he was forced to return to Gloucester due to rising political tensions in Faerghus.
Unable to attend sorcery school any longer, he was enrolled at Garreg Mach, where he currently attends classes as a member of the Golden Deer. While his behavior still makes him largely uncomfortable to be around, his true nature has begun to shine through, bit by bit. Like a newborn fawn himself, he stumbles around in hopes of figuring out not only who he is, but who he wants to be.
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 13 Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 16 Wisdom: 15 Charisma: 14 |
In the five years following his time at the academy, quite a bit changed.
Count Gloucester, ever the cunning bastard, was the first to side with the Empire for reasons entirely unknown to Lorenz, leaving him to attend to the Roundtable in his father's stead. He kept in frequent contact with Claude thanks to their political ties, and exchanged the occasional letter with the rest of his classmates. The loss of two of his most influential mentors within a few years hit him hard, but he persevered nevertheless.
Over time, his confidence grew, and while he was forced to remain closeted while under such heavy public scrutiny, Lorenz became more sure of himself and his identity. The influence of his peers had, in the end, set a foundation for his growth. With Count Gloucester busy maintaining ties with the Empire and the war effort as a whole, Lorenz was able to wriggle out from his father's thumb, making the position he had been groomed for into something all his own. Certainly, it angered the count, but what could be done?
Nevertheless, the stress of war, familial turmoil, and responsibility weighed upon him, and he frequently indulged in fantasies of running away to someplace no one would recognize him, where he could live without the lingering sting of his father's iron grip. That chance came as a blessing in the form of the Millennium Festival. His father would not allow him to abandon his responsibilities for something so small, but to Lorenz, there was no issue more pressing than another taste of liberty— something so cruelly teased five years ago, only to be ripped right out of his grasp.
With little more than the clothes on his back and his beloved mare, he fled in the dead of night. He would never be truly free, but the illusion of it was enough.